Four-Drawer Base Cabinets
A four-drawer base cabinet is the largest bank of drawers offered by Werever Products. It is similar in concept to a three drawer base, but has a fourth drawer. The four drawer base as a standard cabinet starting in 24 inch width.
Drawer Base Cabinets are often the most functional cabinets in an outdoor kitchen. The 4-Drawer Base provides a top drawer for small items, and three equal sized drawers below for utensils, mitts, grill tools, foil, paper towels, and more. Position a Drawer Base Cabinet near your cooking areas for easy access to your utensils and accessories.
Standard Height: 34.75” overall (31” box)
Standard Depth: 24” overall (23” box)
Available Modifications:
Extend Side Panel (L/R) +12”
Increase Height +6”
Decrease Height -6”
Decrease Width -3”
Increase Depth +12”
Decrease Depth -9”
Special Modifications:
Request for the top drawer of this cabinet to be a false face and install this cabinet below a drop-in Side Burner for additional drawer utility in your outdoor kitchen.
For more information regarding product dimensions and information, please view our complete Specification Sheet.